News: Durgi stone sculptors seek Andhra Pradesh government's support to revive 'dying art'


What's in the news?

       Durgi stone carvings art is on the verge of extinction with a very few families still practising it.

       Even the Geographical Indication tag seemed to be of little help to the stone art sculptors.

       Dwindling patronage and lack of support from successive State governments means that the older generation does not want to pass the skills to the next one.


Durgi Stone Carvings:

       Durgi Stone carvings are specialized stone carvings carved from soft limestone called “SuddaRai” in local language and available only in this region.

       The stone is whitish grey in colour and unique to this region.

       The stone carvings are available in sizes ranging from ½ feet to a maximum of 10 feet in height, which are done according to Shilpa Sastra.


Andhra Pradesh:

       Andhra Pradesh has got a geographical indication (GI) tag for Durgi Stone Carvings under Sub-section (1) of Section 13 of Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999.


Further Reference - GI Tag