News: Navy Chief calls for cooperative framework among countries in Goa Maritime Conclave


What's in the news?

       Recently, Navy Chief Admiral R. Hari Kumar has called for the establishment of a working mechanism among the 13 countries part of the Goa Maritime Conclave.


About Goa Maritime Conclave:

       It is the fourth edition of the Goa Maritime Conclave.


       Theme: Maritime Security in the Indian Ocean Region: Converting Common Maritime Priorities into Collaborative Mitigating Frameworks.


       Four sub themes:

       Identifying Gaps in Regulatory and Legal Frameworks for Achieving Maritime Security in the IOR

       Formulation of a Common Multi-lateral Maritime Strategy and Operating Protocols for GMC Nations for Collective Mitigation of Maritime Threats and Challenges

        Identification and Establishment of Collaborative Training Programmes with Center of Excellence across the IOR.

       Leveraging Activities Pursued Through Existing Multilateral Organisations in the IOR towards Generating Collective Maritime competencies.


       The event hosted Minister/ Chiefs of Navies/ Heads of Maritime Forces from 12 IOR countries comprising Bangladesh, Comoros, Indonesia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, Myanmar, Seychelles, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Thailand.