News: Global coal demand expected to decline by 2026: IEA report


What is in the news?

       Recently, the International Energy Agency has released a report about the coal demand.


Key details:

       Global coal demand will decline by 2026 due to a shift towards renewables.

       Global coal demand surpassed 8.5 billion tonnes this year.


Regional difference:

       While demand in the European Union and United States is expected to drop 20% each, it is expected to rise 8% in India and 5% in China in 2023 due to demand for electricity and diminished electrical generation from hydropower.


Coal fired power generation will decline due to

       High hydropower output due to La Nina

       Low cost solar power generation

       Increasing nuclear power generation


Global coal production:

       China, India, and Indonesia – the three largest coal producers globally – are expected to break output records in 2023, pushing global production to a new high in 2023.

       These three countries now account for more than 70% of the world’s coal production.