News: Kashmir’s fading Sufiyana Mausiki, Tchakri songs attract a spotlight


What's in the news?

       The fast fading Sufiyana Mausiki and Tchakri, devotional folk songs that assumed centrality for carpet and shawl weavers of Kashmir for centuries, were finally replayed with the old-charm setting in a rare bid to “reconnect with the past” at Kunzer area in Baramulla of north Kashmir.


Sufiyana Mausiki:


       The word Sufiana has been derived from “Sufism”, meaning “mystical” and Mausiqi is the Urdu word for music.

       It is an amalgam of the music of Persia, Central Asia and India and was born due to the intercultural synthesis of the music of already mentioned regions during the 15th century.


Key takeaways:

       The classical music of Kashmir is known as Sufiana Mausiqi.

       It is a type of choral ensemble music which is based on the principal melodic concept of Maqam, plural Maqamat.



       TChakri is one of the most popular types of traditional music played in Jammu & Kashmir.

       It is a responsive song form with instrumental parts, and it is played with instruments like the harmonium, rubab, sarangi, nout, geger, tumbaknaer and chimta.

       It is performed in folk and religious spheres, by the Muslim and Hindu Kashmiris.