News: Kambala comes to Bengaluru: How buffalo race’s popularity outran bans


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       The past weekend saw Bengaluru hold its first Kambala race, with 159 pairs of buffaloes and their jockeys racing through the specially made slush tracks in the city’s Palace Grounds.



       Kambala is an annual traditional Buffalo Race (he-buffalo) held in coastal districts of Karnataka to entertain rural people of the area.

       Slushy/marshy paddy field track is used for Kambala.

       The sports season generally starts in November and lasts till March.

       The contest generally takes place between two pairs of buffaloes, each pair race in two separate wet rice fields tracks, controlled by a whip-lashing farmer.

       In the traditional form of Kambala, buffalo racing is non-competitive and buffalo pairs run one by one in paddy fields.

       Besides, there is also a ritualistic approach as some agriculturists race their he-buffaloes for thanks giving to God for protecting their animals from diseases.

       But in recent times, Kambala has become an organized rural sport.