News: Recently, the paintbrush swift butterfly has been photographed and documented for the first time in Himachal Pradesh’s Chamba district.


About the Paintbrush Swift Butterfly:

       It is a butterfly species of the Hesperiidae family.

       The species has never been photographed in Himachal Pradesh since its discovery in 1878.

       This is the first time that we have photographed and documented it.

       It was first described by lepidopterist Frederic Moore more than 145 years ago.

       It is identified based on two separated spots in the upper forewing cell.

       The species’ larvae feed on bamboo and some other grass species.

       Habitat: Its habitat is distributed in northeast, central and south India, and rare in Uttarakhand.

       Threats: Habitat loss and scarcity of larval host plants are major causes of the decline in the butterfly population. An increase in pesticide use, deforestation and climate change.

       Conservation status: This species is legally protected in India under Schedule IV of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.