News: Ready to play facilitator to push government to ease concerns of same-sex partners, Supreme Court


What's in the news?

       The Supreme Court said it is ready to play the role of a “facilitator” to push the government into taking administrative steps to bring down “barriers” and ease the day-to-day human concerns faced by cohabiting same-sex partners in areas like joint banking, insurance and admissions of children to schools without touching upon the issue of legal recognition of same-sex marriage.


Same Sex Marriage:

       Same sex marriage means marriage between two people who belong to the same gender or sex.

       They enter into a religious or a civil marriage ceremony.

       By same sex marriage we mean marriage between gays (boy marrying a boy) and lesbians (girl marrying a girl).

       Same sex marriage legalization can help an individual to own up to his individuality and can finally be themselves.

       It also provides a brighter path for the people of the LGBTQ+ community.


Same Sex Marriage in Global Context:

       The Netherlands was the first country in 2001 to legalize same-sex marriage and many other countries followed it.

       As of now, around 32 countries have legalized same-sex marriages. Many of these countries have recognized same-sex civil unions.


Arguments in favor of Same Sex Marriage:

1. Equal Rights and Protection Under the Law:

       All individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation, have the right to marry and form a family. It will protect the implicit right of right to marry under article 21 of the constitution.

2. Court already decriminalized homosexuality:

       Recognition of same sex marriage is in continuation of the previous SC judgment – Navtej Singh Johar judgment of 2018 (decriminalizing homosexuality) and the Puttaswamy judgment of 2017 (affirming the Right to Privacy as a fundamental right).

3. Reducing Social stigma and Social Stability:

       Legalizing same-sex marriage can help promote social stability by increasing the number of legally recognized families and reducing social stigmas.

4. Social well-being of Same sex couples:

       There are scientific studies that prove how same sex marriage benefits the two beings.

       With the help of marriage, studies show that marriage enhances the financial, psychological and physical well-being of the gay or lesbian couple.

       Children who are brought up in such households are comparatively well brought up and are more open minded and have the ability to take up views of other people

5. Reduce the suicide:

       It is also observed that in countries like the US, after same sex marriage was legalized, a study was done regarding suicide.

       The count of suicide declined by a huge margin as the country legalized same sex marriage.

       Many lead researchers have stated that since the change in law on same sex marriage was brought into action, it has given rise to the gay/lesbian couples and teenagers a hope that there is a bright future for them in times ahead.

6. International scenario:

       Same-sex marriage is legal in many countries around the world, and denying this right to individuals in a democratic society goes against the global principles.

       In 133 countries homosexuality decriminalized, but only in 32 of them same-sex marriage is legal.

7. Joint Property Rights:

       Marriage generally creates a presumption of joint ownership of property accrued during the marriage.

       The presumption is the opposite for unmarried couples, where your property will be presumed to be owned by whoever acquired it.

       Deciding which presumption works best for you and your partner can be helpful in deciding whether or not to get married.

8. Government benefits:

       The government provides a lot of benefits exclusively to married couples.

       A small sample of these benefits includes Social Security benefits, health care benefits, nursing home care, and unpaid leave from your job to care for family members.


9. Compliance with the judgment:

       SC judgment of NALSA vs Union of India judgment (2014) - held that non-binary individuals were protected under the Constitution and fundamental rights such as equality, non-discrimination, life, freedom, etc. also applied to these individuals.


Arguments against the same sex marriage:

1. Religious and Cultural Beliefs:

       Many religious and cultural groups believe that marriage should only be between a man and a woman.

       They argue that changing the traditional definition of marriage would go against the fundamental principles of their beliefs and values.

2. Procreation:

       Some people argue that the primary purpose of marriage is procreation, and that same-sex couples cannot have biological children.

       Therefore, they believe that same-sex marriage should not be allowed because it goes against the natural order of things.

3. Legal issues:

       There are concerns that allowing same-sex marriage will create legal problems, such as issues with inheritance, tax, and property rights.

       Some people argue that it would be too difficult to change all the laws and regulations to accommodate same-sex marriage.

4. Procedure establish by law:

       The fundamental right under Article 21 is subject to the procedure established by law and it cannot be expanded to include the fundamental right for same sex marriage to be recognized under the laws which in fact mandate the contrary.

       Article 21 of the Constitution guarantees the right to life. This right cannot be taken away except through a law which is substantively and procedurally fair, just and reasonable.

5. Formalities:

       Marriage, for all its pros and cons, requires that certain formalities be performed, which may or may not be what you want.

       Unmarried couples can get together, and break up, without all the formalities (and court hearings) required for married couples

6. Children:

       There are concerns that children may be negatively affected by growing up in same-sex households.

7. Social Consequences:

       Some people believe that legalizing same-sex marriage will have negative social consequences, including the breakdown of the family and moral decay.


The hallmark of a progressive nation is reflected in its ability to accept diversity, include minorities, and integrate the marginalized. Legalising same-sex marriage may pave the way for generations to come and become a big step towards reclaiming the diverse, multicultural, and inclusive civilization that India has always been. Government should strike a balance between individual rights and social cohesion, taking into account the unique cultural and social contexts of India.